My story

It was time for me to get off my butt. I was approaching 40 and hadn't been regularly active in a very long time. My husband and friends who had already passed that age were warning me of all the things that were going to happen to my body once I reached that apparently-dreaded number. But for someone who was completely intimidated by a gym setting, wasn't interested in exercise, and didn't even know which exercises to do or how to do them properly, what could I do? Well, hire a personal trainer and set a goal to become the strongest I've ever been by the age of 40, that's what.

With someone to be accountable to, I was on the path to finally learning how to work out, building the confidence I needed to be successful, and making a healthy lifestyle part of my routine. I felt more positive and unbelievably healthy and strong — like I could do anything. The more I achieved, the more I wanted to take on new challenges and continue to progress. What I didn't expect was to become so passionate about exercise that it became my new career. I realized that if my trainer could work with someone like me and completely transform me into someone who is dedicated to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it could happen for others. And I wanted to be the one to facilitate that change for them.

Of course, change is not easy. It takes a lot of hard work and the right mindset to keep going. But I know from my own experience that change is possible and necessary in order for us to improve and grow. It builds resilience and enables us to continue to advance.

Beyond changing my exercise habits, I'm proud that I pursued my Personal Fitness Trainer diploma at NAIT, where I graduated with honours. Going back to school as a 'mature learner' was definitely outside of my comfort zone. I'm now a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) with the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), which is the leading organization in exercise science and prescription in Canada.

When I'm not exercising, I enjoy spending time with my husband and 17-year-old daughter. We love travelling, particularly when we can escape to a tropical destination in the winter. In my spare time, I listen to music, play piano, experiment with new recipes while sometimes wishing I was eating at a favourite restaurant, and hope to find time one day to pursue painting. Strength training, cycling, hiking, and paddle boarding are my active pursuits.

Wow. If you made it to the end of this, I know you have what it takes to persevere. I'd love to learn more about you and your fitness goals.